Friday, August 24, 2012

What is the Soul? Is it the power that fuels our mind and body?

Very often we use the term -  Mind, Body and Soul( Spirit). While the terms body and mind are easy to comprehend, we often struggle with the question - What is the Soul? Where from it comes and what does it look like? It is also said that the Soul is eternal and does not die - what does this mean?

To understand this and more we enclose here a passage from the book " Wonders Of Human Bio electricity" authored by Shriram Sharma Acharya.The passage quoted here is a condensed and modified version of Chapter 2 of the book - "The Soul as the source of Bio energy of the human body". 

This passage tells us that the Soul is the powerhouse that fuels our body and mind and is responsible for emotional and physical well being. If we can truly harness the poential of our soul we can maximize the purpose of our Lives.

Quoted Text:

"In all living beings, the  soul is the fountainhead of life energy (prana) and is responsible for all biological functions. Our brain is just an instrument of our  soul.

The potential of life energy present in us cannot to be assessed from the physical capability of the body but rather its mental and emotional capabilities. 
Though the human body is physically  smaller in size and its activities such as locomotion, lifting of a load, physical and mental exertion, are limited as compared to several members of the animal kingdom it should not be assumed that the potential of the source of bio energy in humans is of less significance as compared to animals. Quite the reverse actually.

All animate beings large or small , irrespective of  their shape or size have a unique and striking characteristic, that is the ability to reproduce their species. Within the small seed of a tree lies the potential to grow and reproduce a giant tree. Given a conducive environment the tiny seed uses the potential stored in its soul to turn into a giant Banyan tree.   

Our Soul is eternally alive and is sustained by the "Ananta Chetana" (or the infinite Absolute force of Universal Consciousness) which is the perpetual source of bio energy required for the expression of life. By virtue of this mechanism of interaction, the soul is able to draw and collect the requisite bio energy from the cosmic ocean of bio energy and channelize the same for the mental , physical and emotional growth of the being.

The process of acquisition and maintenance of bio energy from the cosmos by the soul varies from one human being to the other. To illustrate this concept, let us take the example of a plant. All seeds of a plant do not mature into fully grown trees. Many seeds do not grow beyond the  initial germination stage  and in some cases the saplings wither out after a short growth period. In such cases there is no real deformity in the seed itself,  rather the growth of the seed is inhibited because of the inadequacy in the process through which energy is acquired  for reproduction and growth. Unless the seed makes use of the appropriate use of the required bio energy levels  in its interaction with nature its inherent potential to grow may not be of much use.

Thus, within every seed is the attribute to grow into a splendid tree. Only upon the proper utilization of its inherent capabilities can a seed grow, produce and reproduce into a tree.According to the Philosophy of Vedanta (Eternal truths governing Life) the individual soul ( Jeeva) and the Absolute Soul ( Parmatama or God) are present in a unified field of existence. 

If the soul of man is compared to a seed, the Absolute Soul (Parmatama or God) is its parent tree. With this analogy its easy to understand that within every  human being lies the potential to be a truly divine soul. Human progress across the realms of the physical, mental and emotional depends on the proper utilization of all these attributes through a properly managed interaction with the Absolute.

There are innumerable people in the world living a wretched existence. Their great misery and hellish experience indicates to us that they are unable to make use of the abundance of the divine attributes inherent in their soul. Among all  sentient beings only the soul of man has been given the freedom to achieve a truly high state of existence-through interactions with the Absolute.

The Soul is Omnipotent:
By virtue of its individual existence in the same Unified bio energy field where the powers of the Absolute (God) resides,  the Soul is viewed to be omnipotent as well. 

We have seen that given an appropriate environment a small seed has the inherent potential of germination and subsequent growth into a large tree. If we compare the soul of a seed to the soul of a human being we see that the soul of a human being has much greater potential and freedom to act compared to the soul of a seed. Consequently its capacity to work also finds expression in varied and complex fields. 

Only human beings can create scientific inventions, explore frontiers of knowledge, space and harness the  forces of Nature. This is possible because of the ability (bio energy tools) present in human beings in the form of  desire, a strong will to do and focused intellect. These faculties are tools of tremendous bio electric powers of the Infinite Life force present in ourselves that can be harnessed and put to great use.

Therefore, dear Reader! You should be aware of the paranormal bio-electricity force working within you and ponder over its enormous potential . Make prudent use of it and practice the prevention of its wastage. Be focused on what you desire and want to achieve out of your life, have a sincere desire to maximize your abilities and be the best at what you do, and strive for the same whole heartedly using  righteous means. 

If you do this then all your physical and mental activities will begin to conform to the objective. With determination and a focused approach the channelized bio energy of your intellect will take care of the shortfalls in your attempts to reach your goals and ensure your success in the final  end.

If you are someone who desires to take full advantage of human life, then do contemplate over the unlimited power of the soul present in your being and the currents of bio electricity working in your mind body system and learn to utilize and maximize  it properly."


Source and Credits:
Do visit our Life Transforming Books section to read the book "Wonders of Human Bio electricity".                                 
For a note on the author " Shriram Sharma Acharya" please click the link below: