Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Religion? What is Spirituality? Their importance in our lives!

Enclosed here is an article that explains to us the meaning of the terms Religion and Spirituality. Are religion and spirituality the same? How do religion and spirituality help us in our daily lives and how do we benefit from the same ? We also discuss here  the importance of religion and spirituality to scientific and social progress.

The below mentioned article  is an amalgamation of different excerpts from the book " What is Spirituality ?", which is an English translation of The Spiritiual Master- Acharya Shriram Sharma's  famous work in Hindi "Adhyatma Kya Tha ? Kya Ho Gaya? Kya Hona Chahiye? ".

In current times where innocent common masses are misled into communal disharmony because of the commercialization of religion and exploitation by a few people, that benefit from this commercialization our understanding of religion and spirituality takes on a new relevance and meaning.

Public opinion shapes how our leaders think and how nations draft their policies. Public opinion also forces change. If we truly understand the meaning of our individual faiths and the fact that they lead us to a common destination (being a good empathetic human being), we can then rise above petty commercialization of religion and truly make the world a better place to live in.

Quoted Text from the Book "What is Spirituality?" : (certain lines reworded for a better reading experience):

"There are five foundational pillars of human society upon which the progress of societies, nations, and the world at large rests. These five pillars also signify the "five nuclei of power" that shape both the present and future of the people of the world.

As responsible members of this world, it is our responsibility to channelize these five powerful streams effectively. These five nuclei are :1) The Government 2) Religion and Spirituality 3) The Economy 4) Knowledge and 5) Talents of the people.

In this particular article we will deal with only one of the five foundational nuclei of society :Religion and spirituality. We will start with an explanation and meaning of both these terms and also discuss how these terms have got distorted over time and and the critical importance of fixing these distortions and reflecting on their true meaning.

The real meaning of religion is - the linkage of our consciousness with nobility; implanting magnanimity and human values in people’s hearts and minds; righteous orientation of thoughts, emotions and actions.

Illusory doctrines and fundamentalist impositions in the name of religion or faith are mere offshoots of prejudiced communalism propagated by the few so-called ‘religious leaders’ or ‘extremist philosophers’ who exploit the simplicity and emotional softness of innocent people for their personal gain.

Unfortunately, since several hundred years, these distortions have overshadowed the spirit and light of religion. This sheath needs to be peeled off at the earliest so that the immense power of spirituality could be used for self-awakening and moral elevation of the masses. This can’t be achieved simply by sacraments, grand ceremonial gathering, festivals, devotional songs or prayer meetings. Dissemination of the true meaning and purpose of religion and ethics of humanity can be executed through enlightened writings, discourses, arts and culture, and altruistic deeds. Literature, performing arts, films, and above all, the media play a crucial role in molding the tendencies of the masses. 

At this point let us examine what Spirituality means? 

All religions lead us towards Spirituality. Spirituality deals with the enlightenment of one’s thoughts, emotions and intrinsic tendencies. Religions are the roads we travel on and Spirituality is the common destination of all these roads.

In simple terms spirituality is the most evolved and comprehensive science of psychological, social and moral development of people and therefore the ultimate definition of progress. It brightens the intellect together with inculcation of sensitivity towards human beings and towards the grace of nature. 

There is no place for superstitions, fantasy or escapism in a truly spiritual life. Spiritual progress in no way blocks scientific and materialistic progress. In fact it blends scientific and material progress with altruism and directs scientific and material progress in such a way that progress will not be focused only towards an increase in luxurious living and increase in worldly profits for only a few privileged ones in society. 

Instead scientific and material progress guided by spirituality would lead towards a more holistic growth whose benefits will embrace all of humanity and will not lead to counter productive for the future of the world. 

Spirituality can and should be adopted by all of us in all fronts of our life, so as to elevate the levels of our individual happiness and to also ensure a bright future for all.”

Source and credits : 
We invite you to visit our "Life Transforming Books" section to read many informative books on religion and spirituality. These books are above individual religious beliefs and focus on the "eternal truths" and the science of religion and spirituality that apply to all of us.
To read the book "What is Spirituality" please click the link below ( This book is a translation of the original text in Hindi and the English translation mentioned here carries some translation loss of meaning, content and grammar).
To know more about The Enlightened Sage, Scientific Spiritualist and Master of Vedanta, Acharya Shriram Sharma , please click the link below: