Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Meaning of OM (Part 1) : The Reference To OM Across Religions

The enclosed article tells us about the meaning of OM, and many other  interesting facts about Om (Aum)-like its origin, and its reference in some form or the other across almost all religions of the world. 
The enclosed article is an adapted and abbreviated excerpt from Chapter 4 of the very popular book, Vedic Symbols authored by Shriram Sharma Acharya the 21st century sage and spiritual scientist of modern times. Shriram Sharma Acharya's  contribution towards the convergence of science and religion is immeasurable.
Quoted Text:

‘‘Om’’ is the cosmic sound ever present in the Universe. Its physical manifestation in sonic vibrations has existed forever. Physical perception of this sound is described to be similar to what one would hear from the resonant notes of the tinkling vibrations of a big gong struck by a wooden hammer in a consistent manner.
In terms of phonetics, the pronunciation of ‘Om’ is described as Au….3m: ‘Au’ stretched with a stress almost three times higher than the ‘ordinary’ short or long vowels, followed by the anuswara-sound of the nasal sign(m).The syllable ‘Om’/Aum is a monogram of this sound. All the activities and the order in this world are said to be generated and harmoniously regulated through the origin of this Omnipresent subliminal sound.

Interestingly reference to this primordial omnipresent sound Aum is present in some form in almost all religious texts in the world. Om (Aum) became the sacred word hum of the Tibetans, amin of the Moslems, and amen of the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Christians. 

Amen in Hebrew means –sure, faithful. The Biblical passage, John 1:1, “In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”, it is believed references to the same primordial omnipresent sound. 

The New Testament declares that in the beginning, God was the word. According to the Bible, heaven and earth; the cosmos issued forth from The Word. (By “word” is meant pure sound here, simply because there cannot be any language or “word” in the primordial existence).

Paramhansa Yogananda also mentions of ‘Om’ as the “word” of the Bible, as the Holy Spirit. According to Yogananda, all aspiring Yogis seek to commune with “‘Om’” and understand it. Audible utterance of this sound produces a sense of sacredness; however the real understanding of “‘Om’” is obtained only by hearing it internally, and then becoming one with all creation.

The ‘Om’ sound of the self inspired evolutionary pulse of the omnipresent supreme consciousness force (Brahm) has three divine manifestations in the sublime domains of nature; (1) those of creation( Brahma), (2)those of preservation (Vishnu) and, (3) Transformation (Shiva). The vibrations and cosmic energy of this eternal sound regenerates the life force and vital spiritual energy of the one who utters it repeatedly at consistent, rhythmic pace, accompanied by deep breathing, mental concentration and reverence. As a consequence one experiences calming of emotions and rejuvenation of the mind and body system.

The syllable and sound ‘Om’ is a vital part of the science of Yoga. It’s a tool and a phenomenon by itself, a mystery. To many people in the modern times ‘Om’ (Aum) is just a word chanted in meditation or as a closing prayer in yoga practice.  Barbara Miller a translator and scholar of the Bhagvad Gita notes that …. “According to ancient Indian traditions preserved in the Upanishads, all speech and thought are derived from the one and only self existing sound-’Om’. It expresses the ultimate reality.”

The Amrita –Bindu Upanishad states that, “The eternal sound (‘Om’) is the supreme Absolute”. It is the musical sound (Nada) generated by the cosmic vibration of Brahm that resulted in the manifestation of Nature and all creation.”

The phonemes of the Vedic hymns and the seven fundamental nodes – Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, of the Indian classical music have originated (recognized by the Indian Rishis) from the vibrations of the sublime sound of ‘Om’ in nature. The Vedic quote –“Ekoham Bahusyami” implies that all sounds, all energies, all motion and everything existing in the Universe has originated from the vibrations of this single anahata nada.

Paramhansa Yogananda referred to Om as “the vibration of the cosmic motor”. The great pioneer of Yoga, patanjali advised using ‘Om’ to overcome the obstacles and distractions in life that are stonewalls in the path of enlightenment.

Other popular articles related to the significance of OM :
Om/AUM and the Big Bang theory of modern science. 
If you would like to read about the Healing properties of OM/AUM, please click the link below:
References and Book Link:                                    
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If you would like to know more about the author Shriram Sharma Acharya, please click the link below: