Saturday, September 1, 2012

Did you know that the Human Body carries a electrical charge of 10-16 amp.sec/cm2 ?

Enclosed here is a phenomenal excerpt that evidences the presence of the forces of bio magnetic energy in the earths core and its atmosphere. There are several studies done on astronauts and how they are impacted adversely when these fields of energy are not made available to them. The Universe is a scientifically calibrated system which was understood well by ancient sages who had harnessed these fields of bio energy present in our body and the atmosphere that surrounds us. In this fascinating book " The Astonishing Powers of Bio Physical Energy" the author Shriram Sharma Acharya brings back this knowledge and awareness to us in a readable and scientifically validated format.
Quoted Text:
"An unlimited resource of electrical energy forms the basis of Nature. The discovery of this fact and persistent efforts to utilize this immense power of Nature has been of great help in scientific and technological developments of our age. The  space  between  the  earth's  strata  and  the  Ionosphere  contains  positive potential of about 3x 105  volts while the earth's interior contains an equivalent amount of negative charge. On an average, every living organism on the earth bears a subtle electrical pressure of the order of 5 volts/meter created by the lowest layer of the ionosphere situated about 60 Km above the earth's surface. This potential generates an electric current in the human body which is a good conductor of electricity. The measurements by sophisticated instruments have shown that this current is of the magnitude of 10-16 amp.sec/cm2. At a first glance, this small quantity of current may appear to be negligible. Nevertheless, its effects are incredible because of the existence of some subtle power centers in the human-body as described below.
The scientific exposition presented here is focused on the subtle power centers in the human-body whose existence is manifested in the forms of bioelectricity and biomagnetism. The subtle bioelectrical energy provides the vital force for the body’s functioning and governs mental activities.  Human body simulates an 'ocean' consisting of infinitely many 'rivers' in the form of blood vessels and the nerves. Each respiratory cycle gives rise to high and low tides of currents in this 'Ocean' at an average rate of about 15 cycles/minute. The technique of electric power generation from the tides and cyclones in the sea water is well known today. However, very few people know that the electric ions inhaled from the surrounding atmosphere during each respiratory cycle give rise to a powerful electrical flow in our body. The ancient Indian sages (Rishis) had an in-depth knowledge about this current and its utilization for higher purposes.
Our body can be represented as a grand powerhouse. The brain and the heart work  respectively  like  the  generator  and  the  transmitter  of  the  bioelectricity (ionic currents) in the body. The bioelectric energy is distributed amongst the body’s cells as per their functional requirements. This electricity, in conjunction with the subtle (vital) energy of a person, generates biomagnetism which in turn manifests itself in the aura (halo of light) around one's body or in the region of attraction in one's personality.

It should be noted here that biomagnetism is a conscious power which can affect the material as well as the conscious forms existing in Nature. If this subtle vital energy could ever be measured as electromagnetic energy, it would turn out to be the greatest gift from the Creator of the Universe endowed upon the human life. The saints of yore had found that biomagnetism can be experienced in spiritual people whilst communicating with them in their physical presence or in the state of deep meditation. Supernatural abilities can be developed by controlling the use of this energy through different spiritual practices.  This energy then helps in communicating with the subtle world of consciousness pervading the entire universe.
Human consciousness is a part of the universal divine consciousness and the extent of the manifestation of the latter via sentiments, thoughts and deeds of a person  depends on the level of above mentioned Biomagnetic (vital) energy. The subtle energy is an integral part of all the cellular and molecular constituents of the body. Its physical existence in all the cells, tissues, neurons, enzymes, glands etc. is as homogeneous as that of the dissolved salt in the sea water. The overall intelligence, sharpness, health and activeness (called Ojas) of a person is maintained by the vital energy. The subtle energy also inspires the brilliance (Tejas) of thoughts and the divinity (Varchas) of the innermost sentiments (Antahkaran).

Great personalities with higher spiritual level naturally have their subtle and astral bodies in the awaken state. The power of their biomagnetism can be easily seen in terms of their aura around their physical body especially around their face and fingers. One finds divine attraction in them. Their company inspires godliness in others. People with low biomagnetism on the other hand; induce a kind of repelling force and dullness in their surrounding atmosphere. In spite of good physical looks and body-build etc. they appear to be ‘lifeless’. Similarly the biomagnetism of people with negative personal traits (cruel persons, or persons with loose-character) spread corresponding harmful impacts in their vicinity.

The ancient Indian scriptures describes in detail, the science, philosophy and methods of practicing various spiritual processes (Yoga and Sadhanā) meant for increasing the 'positive' biomagnetism and thereby nourishing the will-power, intellect and our mental and physical abilities. These methods deal with micro- subtler forms of the vital mechanisms inside the human body.

The atmosphere above the earth is charged with the strength of a wide variety of energy waves within or beyond the range of the X, Gamma, Beta, Infrared, Ultraviolet, or laser types of radiations. The human body constantly receives such   cosmic   radiations   and   transmits   similar   ones   in   the   surrounding atmosphere. Enormous amount of this energy remains stored in the human body and manifests its power in terms of its various macro or molecular functions governed by universal physio-chemical laws. The powers and capabilities of the subtle human body (a continuum of above mentioned storage of cosmic energies linked with the vital energy), however, are unimaginable. This unlimited source of power remains unutilized because of our ignorance about its existence.

Recent scientific research indicates that the geomagnetic pressure and the electrical field in the earth's atmosphere are essential not only for the biophysical/biochemical functioning of our body but also for our mental creativity. The feelings of fatigue, dizziness, lack of decision-making abilities observed in the astronauts when they are away from the earth's atmosphere gave rise   to   this   hypothesis   which   was   confirmed   by   a   series   of   systematic experiments. In other experiments the astronauts felt perfectly normal while traveling in the space-crafts where the earth's atmosphere was artificially created. Drs. Dendaniel and Kentberg have shown that longevity and reproductive abilities also depend on the electrical waves received from the external fields in the atmosphere. The pollution of the natural atmosphere and adoption of artificial life-style by the human society has resulted in a decrease in the level of the above mentioned electrical flows and the capacity of human beings to absorb these waves. The reductions in the average life of an individual and the increased incidence of impotency in modern age are obvious off-shoots of this imbalance.

The huge electric capacitor of the earth and its atmosphere is called the Global Capacitor. This capacitor is dynamic and continuously subjected to electrical fluctuations. It emits the waves of natural frequency range of about 7 to 8 cycles per second. These waves constantly resonate between the earth's surface and the ionosphere and give rise to the Schumann Resonance. It is a significant coincidence that these waves closely resemble the electrical waves that are active in the human brain. Both are active at the same frequency. In a book entitled ‘The Circadian Rhythms of Man’ the author, Prof. R.A. Ved described how the biological rhythm of the functions of a human body and the electromagnetic fields in the surrounding atmosphere influence each other.

Further, a strong electrical field also exists deep inside the Geonucleus. An electric current of about one ampere is flowing in each cm2 of this region. As this current  spreads  throughout  the  geosphere  it  gathers  strength  and  begins  to follow a spiral path. This current gives rise to the electromagnetic storms which also influence various cellular and molecular components of the human body.

In fact, our universe contains an organized system of electromagnetic waves. This universal system not only controls the mutual attraction and movements of various planets at the macro level but is also responsible for all the continuous motions and activities at the atomic and the micro-atomic levels. Energy in the form  of  electromagnetic  waves  exists  everywhere  in  the  universal  'ocean'  of the Ether,  where  it  forms  an  omnipresent  cosmic  flow.  The level of this cosmic energy existing in a person is manifested by the aura around his/her body. One can receive and subtly store any desired amount of the universal vital energy by the proper practice of the Pranayam Sadhana of Yoga with strong will-power and faith."
The mechanism of absorption of the above energy and the regulation of biomagnetism would become clearer in another subsequent article on this blog.

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References to the above article:
Who is Shriram Sharma Acharya? Click the link below to find out:
To read the book "Astonishing Power of the Bio Physical Energy of The Human body" click the link below:
To read more about the author Shriram Sharma Acharya (the spiritual scientist) please click the link below: