Monday, September 3, 2012

Who is God? The surprising answer behind the origin of the Universe!

This article is a contribution from the wonderful blog on Spirituality called The Spiritual Bee. ( 

Who is God? - It will perhaps come as a surprise to many, that the goal of both science and spirituality is to reveal the answer to this very question!For to ask the question “Who is God” is to seek the answers to our very origins: “How did the Universe come into existence? How did life originate? What makes us conscious?” The aim being to discover the one unifying force from which everything that we see – be it plants or animals, planets or galaxies – in fact our entire Universe, has manifested.
Both science and spirituality have focused on this quest, albeit at different times in human history. Modern physics has been on the hunt for this elusive unifying force, from which arises everything else, for the last 350 years.
But many thousands of years before physics began its search, in the early dawn of recorded history, the ancient Vedic sages living in the forests of India, pursued the very same goal. The only difference being that while modern physics searches for this unifying force by analyzing our outer world of inanimate matter, these ancient spiritual scientists searched for the very same truths by analyzing our inner world of consciousness.
In the higher planes of intuition and super-consciousness they witnessed profound truths, which are not only congruent with modern day scientific understanding of the Universe, but which bravely shine a light in the dark regions where science has not yet tread, in order to reveal the presence of a final absolute reality – God.

To read the rest of the article please click the Spiritual Bee link enclosed here: