Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Quotes - The Gospel of Ramakrishna

Dear Readers ,

Many of us living as householders often wonder if family life and the pursuit of wealth conflicts with the attainment of spirituality. The question then arises - Is the pursuit of money bad ?

Here's an explanation and a clarification from one of the greatest spiritual teachers the world has seen ....Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. This is a Quote from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.

The term "Master " in the following conversation refers to Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. The person "M " is a disciple that he is conversing with and the recorder of The Gospel.

God and worldly duties :

M: "Sir, may I make an effort to earn more money?"

MASTER: "It is permissible to do so to maintain a religious family. You may try to increase your income, but in an honest way. The goal of life is not the earning of money, but the service of God. Money is not harmful if it is devoted to the service of God."

M: "How long should a man feel obliged to do his duty toward his wife and children?"
MASTER: "As long as they feel pinched for food and clothing. But one need not take the responsibility of a son when he is able to support himself. When the young fledgling learns to pick its own food, its mother pecks it if it comes to her for food."

M: "How long must one do one's duty?"
MASTER: "The blossom drops off when the fruit appears. One doesn't have to do one's duty after the attainment of God, nor does one feel like doing it then.

"If a drunkard takes too much liquor he cannot retain consciousness. If he takes only two or three glasses, he can go on with his work. As you advance nearer and nearer to God, He will reduce your activities little by little. Have no fear. 

"Finish the few duties you have at hand, and then you will have peace. When the mistress of the house goes to bathe after finishing her cooking and other household duties, she won't come back, however you may shout after her."

Note to readers : In the above excerpt " Service to God" almost always means utilising one's wealth for the greater good of humanity. Helping those that are in need and that have less than us .
Source and credits : 
The above excerpt is from Chapter 4 of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and can be read by visiting our Life Transforming Books section and scrolling down to THE GOSPEL. You could also simply click on the Gospel and the Book will open up for you.

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