Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The time factor in spiritual progress - Why some people are more spiritual than others?

Enclosed here is a short excerpt from "The Gospel of Shri Ramakhrishna Paramhansa" that indicates the reason for the varying levels or degree of interest that different people may have for Spirituality. This short excerpt tells us why some people are more spiritual than others?

In the passage below the author of the Gospel of Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa is referred to as "M" and the "Master " is Ramakrishna Paramhansa.

The time factor in spiritual progress: An excerpt from The Gospel

"MASTER: "Yes, it is good to listen to these things. But nothing will happen except at the right time. 

What can quinine do for a fever patient when he runs a high temperature? Only when his temperature comes down through the use of 'fever mixture' or a purgative should quinine be prescribed. There are patients who get rid of their fever even without quinine. 

A child said to his mother, when he was put to bed, 'Mother, please wake me up when I feel the call of nature.' The mother said: 'My child, I shall not have to wake you. The urge itself will wake you.'

"Different kinds of people come here. 'Some come by boat with the devotees. But they do not enjoy spiritual talk. They keep nudging their friends and whispering: 'When shall we leave here? When are we going?' If the friends show no sign of getting up, they say, 'We would rather wait for you in the boat.'

"Those who have a human body for the first time need the experience of sense enjoyments. Spiritual consciousness is not awakened unless certain duties have been performed."

The Master was going to the pine-grove. With a smile he said to M., on the semicircular porch, "Well, what do you think of my state of mind?"

M. (smiling): "On the surface you are very simple, but inwardly very deep. It is extremely difficult to understand you."

MASTER (smiling): "True. It is like the cement floor of a house. People see only the outer surface and do not know how many materials there are under it."

Source and credits

Additional Note to the Readers : For those that are unaware : Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Acharya Shriram Sharma are one and the same . To read further details on this subject visit our " Life Transforming Books Section " and read Acharya Shriram Sharma's autobiographical work - My Life its Legacy and Message . You can also read our article " Who is Acharya Shriram Sharma" posted on our blog.

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