Dear Readers,
We are often faced with circumstances where we think that success cannot be achieved either because of our limited resources, or because of difficult circumstances.
Here's a guiding paragraph by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya that points out that the most successful men in the world have been men of limited means, facing difficult circumstances . How then did they achieve their success? Read the below mentioned excerpt to find out how.
Here's a guiding paragraph by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya that points out that the most successful men in the world have been men of limited means, facing difficult circumstances . How then did they achieve their success? Read the below mentioned excerpt to find out how.
“परिस्थितियों का रोना न रोयें
लंबी-चौड़ी योजनाएँ
बनाने की अपेक्षा
अपने पास मौजूद
साधनों को लेकर
ही छोटे-मोटे
कार्यों में जुट
जाया जाए तो भी प्रगति का सशक्त आधार बन सकता है ।
परिस्थितियाँ अनुकूल होंगी
– साधनों का बाहुल्य
होगा, तब व्यवसाय
आरंभ करेंगे, यह सोचते रहने की तुलना में अपने
अल्प साधनों को लेकर
काम में जुट
जाना कहीं अधिक
श्रेयस्कर है ।
काम छोटा हो अथवा बड़ा उसमें
सफलता के कारण,
साधन नहीं, अथक
पुरुषार्थ, लगन एवं
प्रामाणिकता बनते हैं
। देखा जाए
तो विश्व के सभी मूर्धन्य संपन्न
सामान्य स्थिति से उठकर असामान्य तक पहुँचे । साधन
एवं परिस्थितियाँ तो प्रतिकूल ही थीं,
पर अपनी श्रमनिष्ठा एवं मनोयोग
के सहारे सफलता
के शिखर पर जा चढ़े ।
वे यदि परिस्थितियों का रोना
रोते रहते तो अन्य व्यक्तियों के समान ही हाथ
पर हाथ धरे
बैठे रहते और संपन्न बनने की कल्पना में मन बहलाते रहते ।"
- पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य (Book: बड़े आदमी नहीं महामानव बनें, पृ. १३)
English Translation of the above Quote:
"Don't wait
for perfect situations and circumstances to occur.
Many a times we make large plans and wait for
the perfect circumstances to come along to execute them. We await a perfect time
and look for abundant resources to enable our success.
progress and achievements in life can be made by executing on small plans that
require limited resources. Success in big and small tasks is dependent not on
the availability of resources but is achieved through untiring perseverance,
hard work, and dedication towards the task.
If we look
at examples of successful men , we will find that most of them had backgrounds
where there was a resource crunch or they were men of limited means .They all started
as common men and yet achieved extraordinary success, greatness and
riches in their lifetime. When resources
and favorable circumstances were not available , success was achieved through
mental strength, focused effort ,
thinking and dedication towards the work
at hand.
If the
successful men of the world had waited for the right circumstances or adequate
resources to come along , then they would have perhaps wasted an entire
lifetime just dreaming of success!"
-By Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya , a Quote from the Book in Hindi titled- 'Badey Aadmi Nahin Mahamanav Baniye".
Source and credits :
To read Shriram Sharma Acharya's Life Transforming Books please visit our Life Transforming Books section. Books in Hindi and English are available.
To know more about Acharya Shriram Sharma , the 21st century seer and sage, please click the enclosed link.